A 8 year old soccer player presented to our practice with motor tics; which are involuntary, repetitive, and sudden muscle spasms that cause the body to move; most commonly involving the face, head and neck.
The child’s parents suggested that this occurred as a result of use of an iPad and prolonged posture with the head forward and down.
The initial films revealed a 12 degree reversal of the cervical curve in the wrong direction.
In addition the atlas plane line in the upper neck was an extremely abnormal 36 degrees of flexion (forward bending as in looking down).
After care consisting of chiropractic adjustments and Chiropractic Biophysics mirror image traction and exercises; the cervical curve was restored to a normal health 36 degrees and the atlas plane line returned to a healthy 18 degrees of extension (looking up).
All the patients symptoms resolved and have not returned in 3 years. The cervical curve improvement has been stable.