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Put Your Own Mask on First

Woman holding paper heart.

Prioritizing Self-Care in Challenging Times

In the aftermath of the recent LA fires, many of us are feeling not only the physical toll but also the emotional weight of trauma.

“Put your own mask on first” is more than just a metaphor from air travel; it’s a reminder that before you can effectively support others, you need to take care of yourself. By refilling your own physical and emotional reserves, you can offer genuine strength and empathy to the people who need you most..

How Self-Care Helps Avoid Burnout

Without regular self-care, the demands of work, family, and community can lead to burnout. Stress, fatigue, and emotional exhaustion are more likely when you continuously give to others without replenishing your own energy. Caring for yourself isn’t selfish—it’s essential for maintaining balance and resilience.Avoid burnout

Being Your Own Best Friend

In times of adversity, it’s easy to overlook your own needs. However, remembering to be your own best friend can make a world of difference. Give yourself permission to rest, seek comfort, and pursue activities that bring you joy. By doing so, you’ll have more to give—whether it’s to your family, coworkers, or community members also impacted by the fires.

Simple Ways to Practice Self-Care?

  • Take a Walk: A short stroll outdoors can help clear your mind and rejuvenate your spirit.
  • Spend Time in Nature: Whether it’s a local park or your backyard, fresh air and green spaces are proven stress relievers.
  • Play with Your Pet: Animals can offer unconditional love and comfort, reducing stress levels almost instantly.
  • Exercise or Do Yoga: Moving your body releases endorphins, which can improve your mood and energy.
  • Meditate: Just a few minutes of stillness and deep breathing can calm racing thoughts and bring inner peace.
  • Get Adjusted: Regular chiropractic adjustments can help improve spinal alignment, ease tension, and support your body’s natural healing abilities.

Chiropractic Adjustments stimulate the vagus nerve, which can help calm the nervous system and release flight, fright or freeze thereby reducing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

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